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Full-Stack WordPress Developer Application

  • Personal Information

  • Experience

    Please rate yourself on the following skills.

    1 = No experience
    3 = Average
    5 = Expert

  • 12345
    Client Relations
    Project Management
    Javascript / jQuery
    MySQL Queries
    Linux command line
  • 12345
    General Setup & Plugin Configuration
    Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
    WooCommerce Plugin
    Gravity Forms Plugin
    WPML Plugin
    Using Pre-built Themes
    Avada Theme
    Divi Theme
    Custom Theme Development (no frameworks/starter themes)
    Custom Plugin Development
    WP CLI
  • Sample Client Interaction

    As mentioned in the job description, excellent written communication is a required skill because you will be interacting directly with lots of clients. Please review the following example email from a client and write a response as if you were replying to the client.

    From: John Doe
    Subject: Add Form to Sidebar

    I want a contact form added to the sidebar of my WordPress website. My site uses a custom theme, and the company that built it is no longer around. Is that something you can help me with?


  • Sample Work

    Please provide links to any sample work including portfolios, git repos, etc.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    • 2 or more references are preferred
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.